Rolling for more than 15 years in the reel world, I've been helming the director's chair and juggling with edits for films and commercials. Proudly, my director's cap is adorned with feathers of award-winning music videos, commercials, and indie films that have rocked the red carpets of film festivals.
But hey, that's just the tip of the iceberg! When it comes to editing, my portfolio is like an over-stuffed burrito, beating my directing gigs by miles. Full-length feature films, documentaries, music videos, and oh boy, an avalanche of commercials - I've spliced and diced them all!
And guess what? No matter where on this big blue marble you are, my directorial magic and editing wizardry are up for grabs. Stationary or remote, I'm ready to hop onto any project, making cinematic dreams come true, one cut at a time!